Exclusive: NHL Stadium Series New York


So I wont exactly consider this has breaking news but I think I just uncovered a secret on NHL.com. A lot of sports media outlets have been reporting for a little while now the rumor that the Coors Light NHL Stadium Series will take place next year in Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York. Now the first two have been officially announced but we’re still waiting on New York. Or are we? Looking at the official NHL website for the series I looked up the images source url for the respective Chicago and Los Angeles logos and found them to be: …/form_stadiumChicago.png and …/form_stadiumLosAngeles.png. Interesting, now what happens when we change that last part to New York…and boom there it is (check it out yourself). The logo for the New York site. So it’s just a matter of time before the NHL comes out and announces the Rangers vs Devils and Rangers vs Islanders at Yankee Stadium in January 2014.

I’ve attached the picture in case the NHL takes it down or password protects the directory…you heard it here first!


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